Module - I : Past Life Regression
Brief history of Past Life Therapy
General applications of Past Life Therapy
Why Past Life Therapy works
Determining the need for Past Life Therapy
Interviewing the client to pinpoint issues
Process for diagnostic Past Life Regressions
How to regress difficult but willing clients
Directing the regression to find the critical areas
Finding multiple-life connections for related issues
The correct sequence for Past Life Therapy
Major safeguards for Past Life Therapy
Empowering the client
Re-framing critical past life memories
Patterns from the Past
Documenting the regressions and therapy sessions
Addressing Present Life triggers
Soul or trauma issues
Utilizing the benefit of the Death experience
Breaking the bonds of time
Advising the client on the healing process
Proper Follow-up
Duration : 30 hours minimum
Certification : "Past Life Regression Therapist"
Prerequisite : Minimum CHT Level - II completed + Test cleared of the respective level
Module - II : Life between Lives Regression
The Structure of the Universe
The Human Division of the Universe
The Divisions of the Spirit World
No Time, No Space in the Spirit World
What is a Human Being
The Journey of the Soul
The Soul-Mind Complex
Reincarnation, its Need, Purpose, and Completion
Life Planning before Birth
Life Review after Death
Spirit Guides : Who They are & How They Help
The Masters, Teacher-Guides, and How to Call on Them
Higher Self Therapy
Angels, their Assignments, their Hierarchies
Utilizing the benefit of the Death experience
Angel Therapy
Duration : 30 hours minimum
Certification : "Life between Lives Regression Therapist"
Prerequisite : Minimum CHT Level - II completed + Test cleared of the respective level
Appear for the Test at the end, given by your trainer.
Special Course
Talking to the Subconscious & Entity Release Therapy
Understand the subconscious
Know how to access the subconscious
Be able to have an interactive conversation with the subconscious
Be able to know the causes of the present problems and their solutions
Understand the various forms of the spirit attachments
Be able to determine the presence of spirits
Know the type and numbers of spirits
Be able to help the spirits go into the Light
Major safeguards for therapy
Help a client be free of spirits and spirit attachments and more.
Duration : 50 hours minimum
Certification : "Entity Release Therapist"
Prerequisite : Completion Certification in Regression Therapy, both PLR & LBL + Test cleared for the respective levels